The Pan Africanist Congress of Azania warmly congratulates the Communist Party of China (CPC) in the celebration of hundred years of a valiant struggle to lead the Chinese people and to develop an equitable and just society that has earned the respect of the international community.

The Chinese Communist Party was established in July 1921. It went through stormy years of struggle against formidable opposition, inner-party contradictions, imperialist hegemony, grave mistakes, remarkable achievements, and ultimate 1949 victory of the Chinese Revolution.

It began its socialist construction with Chinese characteristics and formed allies with liberation movements. The PAC and the CPC have enjoined themselves into a formidable force against the three evils of imperialism, settler-colonialism, and unbridled capitalism. The two parties have over the years, since 1960, been together in the trenches of struggle against exploitation and oppression.

The PAC and the CPC have together symbolized the solidarity and peaceful cooperation between the peoples of Africa and greater China. Many PAC leaders have been welcomed in the Peoples Republic of China for a wide range of training facilities to increase the fighting skills and capacity to carry out a glorious national liberation struggle. Chairman John Nyathi Pokela cemented the CPC/PAC relations in the 1980s.

Many of APLA’s commissars went to the Nanking Military Academy and to the CPC Party School. The PAC is grateful for these internationalist services. The PAC is still engaged in the African Revolution project, in the quest to ultimately beef up the growth and development of a Pan Africanist civilization.

This means that the two political organizations are correct in their stance for a multi-lateral and multi-polar system of international relations. The PAC remembers the words of Deng Xhiaoping: “China will not become an imperialist force in the world. The Chinese people will stand up and fight against such a happening.”

The people of China have embraced the CPC leadership of a hundred years. It is a remarkable achievement. May the CPC enjoy many more years of leading Chinese society.

Issued by the PAC Secretary for Publicity and Information: Jaki Seroke

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