PAC Elects New Leadership in Limpopo – President Speech, opening the Elective Congress



Present Leadership of PAC,

Members of the PAC,

Component Structures of our Movement (PASO, PASMA, PAYCO, PAWO, PALF, APLAMVA)

Stalwarts of the PAC,

Invited Guests


The sitting of this Provincial Congress takes place two days after the state of the national address.

We are sensing displease from some quarters within the movement. The most unfortunate is that the utterances are disseminated through social media, a platform we do not have control over. Be that as it may, we need to clarify certain misconceptions. During the launch of Robert Sobukwe month on the 03/02/2020, we set the pace for the political agenda of this country in which we were the ones who declared that FW De Klerk and PW Botha cannot be honoured by our parliament.

We questioned the recognition given to them by the state. This we did through the television media, the most accessible media this country has. When other organisation follows our steps, we appreciate it, but we cannot be swayed to their agenda. The PAC is the pace setter. It has led the International community to declare apartheid a crime against humanity. History is on our side.

When other organisations follow our steps, we appreciate, but we cannot be swayed to their agenda!

Our members must always be cautious, not to give life to programs they do not know – our members must always be vigilant not to be used as tools to destroy the movement.

Our members must always be on alert not to pursue objectives designed and defined by ghosts! We must man our agenda, we must lead the nation, we must contribute in the development of Africa.

Those who mimic us, with the intention to mislead the nation, be warned we saw you and the wrath of the Gods of Africa will not spare you. Pan Africanism has been acknowledged by white supremacists as a heavy weight. It shall continue to be regarded so.

Our members must always be reminded, that De Klerk presided over apartheid State, he killed Mpedulo twins and three others, arrested APLA Cadres who are still languishing in Jail under this current government. The Agenda of suppressing and oppressing African people is continuing under “Black” Leadership. This we have said in the past, and we will continue to say until the total liberation of African people is realised.

Addressing the Provincial Congress would not be conclusive if focus is not placed on the growth of the PAC in this part of the country.

We are inclined as the leadership of the PAC to encourage the incoming provincial leadership, to intensify the recruitment campaigns.

We also are obliged as the leadership of the PAC, to instruct the incoming Provincial Leadership to develop a Provincial Program that will reassert the saying – “PAC is the People and the People are PAC”!

Gone are the days when we shall be pleased to talk to each other, convert the converted, and revive members of the PAC.

The PAC of today, must constitute the population of young people who in their majority are unemployed, women who constitute 56% of population, and must be entrenched in both urban and rural areas. This task requires a disciplined membership.

A disciplined membership belongs to branches, speak through branches, conduct programs through branches, and subject themselves to the principles of democratic centralism.

Disciplined members of PAC compromise their ideas for those of the entire collective membership, they subject themselves to the PAC leadership, they are ready to lead, but most critically also ready to be led.

Disciplined membership sacrifice their time, their resources and energy to the service of the PAC. A disciplined member of PAC shall serve, suffer, sacrifice!

Should we align ourselves to these principles, we are an oiled machine that propels to progress, we are ready to provide national leadership, we are ready take POWER!

We wish you a successful Provincial Congress.

Elect credible leadership that will grow the PAC in this Province.

Take the Provincial Political centre stage.

And contest for Political Power in the Province!


By Mr. Mzwanele Nyhontso

President of Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC)

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