

The national launch of the PAC on 6 April 1959 at Orlando Communal Hall was likened to the birth of Jesus Christ by the priests who gave sermons in the proceedings before the political program commenced.

Rev Walter Dimba, president of a federation of independent African churches facilitated the prayer session.

Rev NB Tantsi referred to the security branch police milling about outside the hall, intimidating arriving delegates with their presence. Rev Tantsi said they were like Herod, the Tetrach of Judea, who ordered the murder of infants and babies, after the wise men from the East inquired where the baby king is who would restore the house of David.

Rev Tantsi equated the birth of the PAC with the birth of Jesus Christ.

After the prayer session, messages of support were read, coming from the Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah and Sekou Toure. The PAC was good to go.




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