The PAC in KwaZulu is dismayed and angered by the violence that has been directed to African people around Phoenix and surrounding areas.

We interpret this as declaration of war, and we warn the Indian community to desist from this or else African people would be left with no choice but to defend themselves.

We are aware that African people who reside in Phoenix have been reduced to criminals who must be verbally assaulted, physically assaulted, and be killed at the hands of Indian criminals and criminal Indian-owned security companies.

The PAC was established on the basis of defending the interests and aspirations of the African people hence our intervention on this matter.

The last few days has led to over 22 Africans (under reported) being brutally murdered by Indians in Phoenix, several cars belonging to Africans being damaged and burnt down by Indians at Phoenix and countless Africans being subjected to racial insults and badly beaten in the hands of Indians at Phoenix.

The lousy excuse advanced is that the Indian community is scared and are protecting their communities from looters.

So, being a looter is equivalent to being African?

The Indian community believes their security is guaranteed by insulting, beating, and killing African people. We shall not tolerate this nonsense. We call upon the African people to exercise their right to self-defence.

We have also noted that the very Indians are stopping the bereaved families to reach mortuaries to identify and collect their departed loved ones. This is insensitive and very provocative. We just cannot sit and do nothing when African people are treated like dirt in the land of their birth and land of their ancestors.

Let’s remind the Indian community that this land belong to the African people and African people are the majority in Africa. They cannot survive the wrath of the African people. They must stop with immediate effect what they are doing before it spiral out of control.

Indians have no right to kill, beat and insult even criminals what gives them the right to do so to self-respecting Africans who are out and about to do their own business.

The ANC should not act surprised with what is happening in Phoenix, it is their factional battles that have put our people in this vulnerable position. They have no right to come as heroes and brokers of reconciliation in the crisis they created.PAC shall be visiting the African people residing at Phoenix, Bambayi and surrounding areas on Saturday to determine the way forward to ensure that the life and dignity of the African people is preserved!

We shall also open criminal charges against all the persons and security companies who committed crimes of assault and murder against the African people in Phoenix and surrounding areas.

We call for the immediate dismantling of the criminal vigilante groups that are stopping vehicles and denying African people to move anywhere they want to in their country.

Vigilante groups are a recipe for disaster and would lead to unnecessary violence if they are allowed to found ground in our society.
We call upon the African people to assist financially and in kind the families of those whose properties had been burnt down by these vigilante groups in the nearest squatter camps. PAC further calls upon African lawyers to come to the party and provide pro bono legal assistance to all Africans who have recently suffered in the hands of vigilante groups in Phoenix and elsewhere.

It is your opportunity to defend the dignity of your own! We send a stern warning against the Indian community, STOP this madness, or face our wrath!
Peace among the Africans! War against the enemy!

Issued by Linda Ndebele
Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) of Azania Kwazulu.

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